Monday, June 17, 2013


Lovingly known as “O.N.S.” the organization was founded in 2005 as a memorial to A.J. and Lula C. Wells, who’s artistic talents were transcendent. It is the hope of Madamxtra and all members, staff and administrators of O.N.S. that all persons should experience the excitement of sharing their talent within their community, nation wide, across the web and anywhere else their wildest dreams care to take them.

O.N.S. has five major objectives:
MENTORSHIP-- Connecting people within their own ilk. Accomplished artists from every genre hold a wealth of skill, knowledge, history and connections that are invaluable to the novice. The road to success is traveled with far less dumps and bruises when there is someone there to help show us the way.
VENUES-- Unlike traditional promotional companies, O.N.S. strives to provide opportunities for all performers to gain the experience of a live audience, as there is nothing that compares to the applause and cheers of a crowd that has been thrilled by the show you’ve just given.
TUTELAGE-- Often the difference between “Mediocrity” and “Making It Big” is not so much (How Talented) you are, but more often it is (How much you know). Learning how the Arts/Performance industry operates is paramount to getting ahead and realizing your dreams. Too many phenomenal artists and entertainers live and die in extreme poverty while others die the slow death of not following their dream and developing their talent as they work jobs they hate…just to make a living. O.N.S. helps artistic people learn to make the most of all that God has Blessed them with, through consultation, advisory sessions and information hubs.
INVESTMENT--O.N.S. is not a (For Profit) organization, it‘s a community organization. Investing in the dreams and talent of local artist is our primary goal. All funds generated through the activities of O.N.S. are channeled directly to the efforts involved in getting local artist seen, heard, published, promoted and educated. And though higher education is not the quest of all artists, O.N.S. encourages LIFE LONG LEARNING and we contributed greatly to the funding of that quest.
Stewardship-- Giving Back is a fraise that is over-used but it is perfect way to show appreciation for what we have been Blessed with. The best way to prove that you’ve learned a task is to teach it to some one else and help make the world a better place…something that cannot be done by money alone. Unfortunately, many artist are focus ONLY on MONEY. But art must be produced for (Art’s) sake. People speak of “Selling Out” and in thruth there is much to be desired in fame and wealth…especially WEALTH. But struggling to produce cookie-cutter, assembly-line music, videos or drawings can tax the mind and drain the soul of an artist. It is far more satisfying to do what you love for less pay than to get paid to do what you hate or what leaves you felling empty.                

It takes money to engage in Arts & Entertainment.
Travel/Lodging, Air/Studio Time, Media/Marketing/Promotions, Copyrights/Publishing/Printing, Entourage/Escorts, Training, Costumes/Make-up/Hair Care, Set-up/Props, Security, Insurance/Legal/Accounting, Accompaniment, Equipment/Supplies, Licensing/Permits, Portfolio/Photos, Agent/Management Fees, Sound/Lighting, Reproduction/Distribution, Venue/Theatre/Concert Hall, Fitness Club/Gym/Personal Trainer, Communication/Technology, Food: And the list goes on and on. There are so many costs involved with Arts/Entertainment that are commonly discovered only after the bill arrives. O.N.S. is committed to helping artists and performers find their way through the maze of misinformation that tends to stifle careers just as they are blossoming.

OVERNIGHT SENSATIONS (O.N.S.) has been the wind beneath the wings of untold artists for eight years and counting.


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